About us

:Our vision

Public Relations combines a range of tools which helps you promote your interests. It is oriented to link you or your business to the media or to diverse levels of policymakers. Our goal is to choose along with you, the optimal tool box that will establish a leading brand.
A well planned Public Relations campaign will define & promote your marketing goals, whereas unprofessional PR campaign, may cause serious & sometimes irreversible damage.

Research and Communication Strategy

Planning concise and detailed working plan for target audience, preparing a possible story type and relevant data for the media, so as to establish a chosen image to be followed by familiarity of the audience with it.A well planned Public Relations campaign will define & promote your marketing goals, whereas unprofessional PR campaign, may cause serious & sometimes irreversible damage.

Marketing ideas to build up an image

Public Relations combines a range of tools which helps you promote your interests. It is oriented to link you or your business to the media or to diverse levels of policymakers. Our goal is to choose along with you, the optimal tool box that will establish a leading brand.
A well planned Public Relations campaign will define & promote your marketing goals, whereas unprofessional PR campaign, may cause serious & sometimes irreversible damage.

Media relations

This tool is effective when a continuous contact with the media (television, newspapers, and internet), is held  based on the predefined communication strategy. This enables us to stand out in a competitive market , pass on wanted messages and positive image and reinforce a chosen image or brand.

Press release

we are using "media language" to draft press release in an intriguing way, editing, according to your comments, and find the relevant platform for it

Detecting media stories

we perform the research, and create enticing stories for the media.

Detect unique media channels

we seek creative media platforms in order to target different audience

Identifying relevant events

our goal is to try and associate your business to the public agenda through both Government and Media channels

Working methods

  • We come up with the ideas and do the research.
  • We write a Press Release which is submitted to your approval.
  • When approved, we release the item to the relevant media channels.
  • We collect and send you all related publications.
  • We use current affairs to be applied in your favor, and tie you to issues and topics that are on the public's agenda and focus.


We see great importance in integrating public relations with marketing methods, and encourage cooperation between them. Along with media relations we provide assistance with the building & maintenance of internet sites, publishing and advertising.A well planned Public Relations campaign will define & promote your marketing goals, whereas unprofessional PR campaign, may cause serious & sometimes irreversible damage.

pic tv

Shalom and welcome

In a world of images, any organization and its leadership know that to lead and be successful requires being unique, different and a cut above the rest.

If your company represents an organization (a business or third-sector organization), you too need to reach the Hebrew-reading public at times in order to achieve your organization's goals: building your company name and publicizing your services, activities and so forth.

Please contact us

:Our vision

Public Relations combines a range of tools which helps you promote your interests. It is oriented to link you or your business to the media or to diverse levels of policymakers. Our goal is to choose along with you, the optimal tool box that will establish a leading brand.
A well planned Public Relations campaign will define & promote your marketing goals, whereas unprofessional PR campaign, may cause serious & sometimes irreversible damage.

Research & Communication Strategy

Planning concise and detailed working plan for target audience, preparing a possible story type and relevant data for the media, so as to establish a chosen image to be followed by familiarity of the audience with it.A well planned Public Relations campaign will define & promote your marketing goals, whereas unprofessional PR campaign, may cause serious & sometimes irreversible damage.

Marketing ideas to build up an image

Public Relations combines a range of tools which helps you promote your interests. It is oriented to link you or your business to the media or to diverse levels of policymakers. Our goal is to choose along with you, the optimal tool box that will establish a leading brand.
A well planned Public Relations campaign will define & promote your marketing goals, whereas unprofessional PR campaign, may cause serious & sometimes irreversible damage.

Media relations

This tool is effective when a continuous contact with the media (television, newspapers, and internet), is held  based on the predefined communication strategy. This enables us to stand out in a competitive market , pass on wanted messages and positive image and reinforce a chosen image or brand.

Detecting Media Stories

We preform research and create enticing stories for the media.

Press release

we are using "media language" to draft press release in an intriguing way, editing, according to your comments, and find the relevant platform for it.

Identifying relevant events

our goal is to try and associate your business to the public agenda through both Government and Media channels.

Detecting unique media channels

we seek creative media platforms in order to target different audiences.

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We see great importance in integrating public relations with marketing methods, and encourage cooperation between them. Along with media relations we provide assistance with the building & maintenance of internet sites, publishing and advertising.A well planned Public Relations campaign will define & promote your marketing goals, whereas unprofessional PR campaign, may cause serious & sometimes irreversible damage.

Work methods

  • We come up with the ideas and do the research.
  • We write a Press Release which is submitted to your approval.
  • When approved, we release the item to the relevant media channels.
  • We collect and send you all related publications.
  • We use current affairs to be applied in your favor, and tie you to issues and topics that are on the public's agenda and focus.

Shalom and welcome

In a world of images, any organization and its leadership know that to lead and be successful requires being unique, different and a cut above the rest.

If your company represents an organization (a business or third-sector organization), you too need to reach the Hebrew-reading public at times in order to achieve your organization's goals: building your company name and publicizing your services, activities and so forth.

Please contact us